What is Patellar dislocation ?
In a healthy knee, your patella is located within a trench at the base of the thigh bone(femur). Therefore, Relocation of kneecap from its usual arrangement will cause Patellar dislocation.
The most general direction for a kneecap to break or fracture apparently. If this occurs, the tissues and ligaments on the interior of the knee shift overstretched and injured.
Visible adaptation of the kneecap (Knee gives out).
Sufferers who have disturbed patella or kneecap dislocation will tell that “my kneecap shifted out of place”.
Having pain when weight bearing and doing the normal activity of the knee.
Due to Swelling and tenderness around your kneecap.
Feels instability of the quadriceps muscles of the knee.
The affected knee will normally be sensitive to touch or having pain.